Amanda Armstrong and Jordan Schanda King with text that reads: How to run a thriving and profitable membership

How to run a thriving and profitable membership with Amanda Armstrong

mindset podcast



In today's episode, we’re talking all about running a membership. We touch on how to structure it, how to host it, what to include, and how to deliver the content. We also talk about how a membership can fit into your product suite and how it can serve both new and existing clients. 

My guest is Amanda Armstrong, a neuroscience and trauma-informed anxiety & depression coach and Founder of Rise As We, a mental health coaching space. Like most healers she has her own history of mental health struggles and trauma. Mainstream mental health support weren’t a good fit. From completely personalized 1:1 coaching to the most comprehensive mental health membership community out there, Rise As We offers the programs and support she wishes she would have had on her healing journey.

Amanda is a mom so we also dive into navigating motherhood and entrepreneurship and some parallels we see between parenthood and business ownership.

Topics discussed:

  • The importance of not undervaluing yourself and your expertise
  • How to add accessible offers to your product suite
  • Why you don’t need to promise the same transformation in all of your offers
  • Front loading education inside of a group program to provide more customization
  • The role of education and course content inside a membership
  • Ignoring cookie-cutter business advice and finding what will work for you
  • When you might want to think about taking a break from coaching
  • How clients can move between 1:1 coaching, groups, and a membership
  • How co-coaches can help facilitate a membership
  • Ideas for what to provide and how to deliver content inside of a membership

Connect with Jordan Schanda King:

Connect with this week’s guest, Amanda Armstrong:

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