Office Hours | Scaling through team development
In today's Office Hours episode, I’m talking to Kimberly Tara who is working on scaling and expanding her business through growing her team. Along with adding team members comes the training, delegating, and navigating what that actually looks like for your business. Kimberly and I talk a lot about how to empower your team members, planning for team growth, and what it looks like to build your business to scale.
Topics discussed:
- How a team can help you and your business have a bigger impact
- The statistics around actual business growth year-to-year
- Implementing a team takes a big time investment on the front end
- What things to delegate and what tasks to keep and own
- Training your team for success and scaling
- Limiting beliefs surrounding hiring employees and creating a team
- The difference between hiring employees vs. contractors
- A sneak peek into my 5-year planning process
- What being a leader really means in your own business
- The importance of planning and how your team can be involved
Links/Resources Mentioned:
- Schedule a 5-Year Planning Intensive- https://www.easyscaling.com/offers/Juh2g2FK/checkout
- ClickUp Template for Org Chart-
https://app.clickup.com/template/subcategory/t-901400473902/e856a650541e38e - Easy Scaling Annual Review and Planning Templates- https://www.easyscaling.com/annual-review-and-planning
- Kimberly Tara's previous episodes
Connect with Jordan Schanda King:
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