Money | Stop chasing numbers with Kim Argetsinger
This episode is part of our mini-series all about money. Tune in as we get deep in the weeds about how much we're making, how much we're spending, and how that's evolved since we started. I'm very appreciative of all of my guests who were brave enough to show up on this series and talk transparently about all things money.
In this episode, we’re talking with Kim Argetsinger, a mindset coach and business mentor with a mission to help you create your version of success and make more money doing what you love. Kim’s been around the business and coaching block for almost seven years, has been on thousands and thousands of coaching calls, and has built her own booked out, multi-six-figure business and team her way that brings in consistent multi-5-figure cash months from 1:1 alone.
Topics discussed:
- How she built a 6-figure business without spending a dime on ads
- How she 3x her income in 3 years
- Insight into a revenue share model
- Her million-dollar money mindset
- A deep dive into her expenses
Connect with Jordan Schanda King:
Connect with this week’s guest, Kim Argetsinger:
- Website: https://kimargetsinger.com/
- Business Besties & Creative Bosses FB Group: bit.ly/businessbestiesfbgroup
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimargetsinger/
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