Failure | Deciding to reset, revise, and relaunch with Carol Hampshire
This episode is part of our mini-series all about failure. Tune in as we discuss how our guests approach failure, the biggest fails they’ve experienced, what they learned, the support they tap into to get through failure and more…
In this episode, we’re talking with Carol Hampshire. Carol is a brand + web design designer and brand strategist with over 25 years experience. She is the name behind the brands of some of the world’s top female coaches. Her passion is to support female entrepreneurs to elevate their unique Soul Aligned Brand™ so they can transform lives while living a life of freedom and abundance.
What comes to mind when Carol hears the word failure:
An opportunity to reset, revise and relaunch. Absolutely everything in business is a process of learning and revising.
Topics discussed:
- Dealing with a client who refuses to pay
- Creating money, value, and impact from nothing
- How to approach a “failed” launch
- Pausing before reacting
- The many types of failure
- Taking risks to break through plateaus in our business
- Understanding the season you’re in in life and business
Connect with Jordan Schanda King:
Connect with this week’s guest, Carol Hampshire:
- Website: https://carolhampshire.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolhampshire
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolhampshire/
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