How to fire a client and get better at spotting red flags with Julia DeWolfe
In this episode, we’re talking about parting ways with clients. No matter the reason, this can be a stressful experience. We dive into the before, the during, and the aftermath of firing clients, including spotting red flags, issues that can come up with money in the process, and how you can take care of yourself after it happens.
My guest is Julia DeWolfe. She is one of my coaches, a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practitioner, and what she calls an 'everything coach' for entrepreneurs.
Julia is a regular guest on the podcast and together we explore the more emotional side of business ownership and dig into many of the things that I've personally struggled with or overcome in my own business.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Dealing with the icky feelings around firing a client
- Reasons why we ignore red flags (or don’t even notice them)
- The importance of doing a postmortem when things don’t work out
- Concrete examples of red flags when it comes to new or current clients
- The importance of solid contracts and navigating contract changes
- Understanding your communication style and other valid needs
- Navigating business changes and outgrowing your clients
- What can happen when you finally do part ways with clients that don’t fit
- Money concerns when firing a client (money owed, refunds, chargebacks)
- Preparing for and managing accusations or complaints
- How to take care of your emotions and your nervous system
Connect with Jordan Schanda King:
- Website: easyscaling.com
- Instagram: @jordanschandaking
- Facebook: Easy Scaling with Jordan Schanda King
Connect with this week’s guest, Julia DeWolfe:
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